The New Radicals in the Multiversity and other SDS writings on Student Syndicalism
by Carl Davidson
Charles H. Kerr Publishing
SKU: 9780882861777
Politics. Cultural Writing. A spectre is haunting our universities– the spectre of a radical and militant nationally co-ordinated movement for student power. –Carl Davidson.
This is the second book from the Sixties Series of Charles H. Kerr, Publishers of Anti-Establishment Literature Since 1886.
Davidson in these essays explored various analogies and connections between students and the working class, and outlined a theory of student syndicalism that characterized a critical phase in the development of SDS. Drawing not only on classical Marxism but also on IWW and anarcho-syndicalist ideas as well as on newer revolutionary currents such as the Dutch Provos and the French Situationists, these writings were among the most original and influential documents of the American New Left in its dynamic first decade. A quarter of a century later, Davidson’s essays remain an unexcelled how-to manual for insurgent students seeking to gain some measure of control over their lives.