Going Against the Tide #2 (Fall 2024): A Journal Charting a Path for Communist Revolution in the US
Going Against the Tide
2024, paperback
SKU: n/a
We publish our second issue in the run-up to an election that concentrates sharpening contradictions for the US bourgeoisie, with Trump as a wild card continuing to upset the normal functioning of the bourgeois political machine. These contradictions include Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza and the potential for wider military conflict in the region, growing inter-imperialist rivalry manifest in Russia’s proxy war with NATO in Ukraine and economic competition between the US and China, and the struggle in the US bourgeoisie over which of two political programs will prevail—genocidal liberal democracy or the reactionary revanchism represented by Project 2025. Readers can expect to see an editorial posted on our website in the wake of the election analyzing the ways different classes in society have been moving in relation to the unfolding of these contradictions and what the implications are, for the revolutionary movement, of whatever bourgeois political program prevails.